Otherworld is a 40,000-square-foot immersive art installation in Philadelphia. The space invites guests to explore over 50 rooms filled with large-scale art, mixed reality playgrounds, and secret passageways. It’s an all-new kind of art and storytelling experience where visitors are encouraged to freely explore and interact with a surreal world of science fiction and fantasy.

Adorned with mystical mushrooms and moss, enchanting trees, and celestial lights, Otherworld encourages guests to embrace their inner-child and rediscover just how magical life can be. Guests can climb up neon ladders, enter luminescent portals, and journey through an emerald labyrinth at the extraordinary, multi-sensory sanctuary. Coalescing science fiction with fantasy, the interplanetary exhibit is entirely self-guided.

Most rooms have some sort of interactive technology which, for example, triggers your footsteps to cause ripples in what appears to be a light-projected toxic sludge.

Otherworld originated in Columbus, Ohio, and Philadelphia is their second location, featuring even larger-scale spaces than before. The immersive experience, which partnered with Thirteenth Floor Entertainment Group, showcases over 100 artists, modelers, animators, creative technologists, fabricators, and more.

Otherworld Philadelphia

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