Nickel Mines, an original musical written by the director, focuses on the families of West Nickel Mines School following the shooting on October 2, 2006, and the Amish tradition of forgiveness. Although it was performed in the Claire Trevor Theater (the proscenium space at UC Irvine), the audience was invited to sit on-stage with the performers in a tennis court configuration. The sound system utilized Meyer D'Mitri to spatialize dialog and music to eight different zones on stage through source speakers, delay and level relationships. This necessitated programming mix snapshots to change each microphone's bus assign on the DiGiCo SD9 console, in order to change that particular actor's assigned microphone delay zone. While the D'Mitri programming was transparent to me as a mixer, finding the right timing to take each snapshot so that the voice transitioned smoothly between delay zones was crucial. Below are a few mix recordings from the production process.

Claire Trevor School of the Arts
University of California - Irvine

Andrew Palermo

Musical Director:
Dennis Castellano

Scenic Design:
Eric Barker

Costume Design:
Sera Bourgeau

Lighting Design:
Brady King

Sound Design:
Brian Svoboda

Photo Credit:
Paul Kennedy