This play is a collection of ten myths, adapted by Mary Zimmerman, from Ovid's Metamorphoses.  In our production, lighting, sound, and movement replaced real water as the through line of the production.  Each of the ten myths shows a metamorphosis of love -- Alcyone and Ceyx are transformed to seagulls, Myrrha dissolves into a stream of tears, and Midas is cursed and freed when Bacchus grants him a poorly-conceived wish to teach a lesson.

Sound and music in the production worked in tandem to transform/metamorphose the world with musical conventions, and elevate the immortal characters with aural iconography.  The music tied Classical instruments and contemporary synthetic textures, highlighting the balance between mythical and real. Borrowing from Classical performance, percussion represented the power of the gods, and wireless vocal processing helped identify the gods from the mortals.

During the storm sequence, Poseidon's waves split the couple Alcyone and Ceyx, and claim Ceyx's life.  The music (composed by Brian Svoboda) and sound effects worked with the movement to create the storm on stage.

In the myth about incest, Myrrha finds herself with an overwhelming urge for her father Cinyras. With the nurse's help, she finds her father alone, blindfolded, and awaiting a mysterious young girl who wants to seduce him.  When Cinyras tears the blindfold off, he discovers his daughter, and overcome with emotion tries to strangle her. Myrrha runs from home, until she comes across a shimmering stream and dissolves into tears.

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The play ends where it begins, with Midas, who has finally lived with his curse long enough to value the love in his life, and is able to turn his daughter and her jumprope back to life.  With each of Midas's footsteps, we hear a metallic sound as the ground turns to gold, until he steps in the pool, washes his face with real water, and is cleansed of his curse.

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Claire Trevor School of the Arts
University of California - Irvine

Annie Loui

Scenic Design:
Vannessa Fusi-Hoblit

Costume Design:
Leanna Moore

Lighting Design:
Brady King

Music by:
Brian Svoboda

Photo Credit:
Paul Kennedy